• Step 1 Registration

    Auction Process Starts With Register Now or Sign in free of cost at our website to Access Live Japan Auto Auctions. We are providers of auction access to all major Used Car Auction houses in Japan and can get you the best deals.

  • Step 2 Make Deposit & Access Auctions

    Make a security deposit via bank transfer as per our Auction terms to start bidding in the live auctions for your required vehicle(s). We will activate your bidding account on receipt of the security deposit.

  • Step 3 Find Car & Make Bid

    Once your account is activated you can access vehicles available in Live Japan Auto Auctions. Search your required vehicle(s) from our auction listing and place bid(s) for the one(s) you want to buy.

  • Step 4 Bid Result

    We will announce the result for you as soon as the Auction is over. If the bid is lost then we can either refund your money or use it as a deposit for bidding on another vehicle. Your deposit can also be used to be adjusted in the balance if the bid is won.

  • Step 5 Get Invoice & Pay Balance Amount

    If you win the bid, we will send you the invoice for depositing the balance payment. You can make the payment directly to our Japanese bank account, which will be stated on the invoice.

  • Step 6 Shipment & Documents

    Once we receive your payment we will arrange the next earliest ship to transport your vehicle. All necessary documentation for custom clearance at your destination port will be sent to you via courier. We advise you to hire an agent for a hassle-free clearance process or you can let us know to do the custom-clearance for you.

  • Step 7 Receive Vehicle

    Receive your vehicle at your destination port and after fulfilling the formalities for custom clearance, drive your dream vehicle home!!

    Kindly send us your photo with the vehicle, your valued feedback, and if you are happy with our product & service, please refer us to your family and friends.